Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
»Soft Collision«, Anna Schäffner at Ars Electronica 2024. Image: Ars Electronica Flickr, adapted by MoA

»Soft Collision«, Anna Schäffner at Ars Electronica 2024. Image: Ars Electronica Flickr, adapted by MoA

Dear friends of »Matters of Activity«,

It is with great pleasure that we return from the summer break because there is a lot to tell:
We are delighted that the Cluster's central anthology »Toward a New Culture of the Material« is now hot off the press. Moreover, MoA research has recently been the subject of various media reports. Listen to the new »Exzellent Erklärt« podcast with Karola Dierichs and Robert Stock and don't miss the great presentation of the Cluster in the arte documentary »Change by Design«. Be sure to take a look at the events planned for the coming weeks: e.g., the lecture series »Microbes and Materials« organized by our new member Anna A. Gorbushina starts this week, and in October, we are looking forward to the conference »Planetary Design. Designing Futures« organized by Claudia Mareis.

Happy reading!
Antje Nestler & Carolin Ott

Liebe Freund:innen von »Matters of Activity«,

mit großem Vergnügen melden wir uns aus der Sommerpause zurück, denn es gibt viel zu berichten:
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass die umfassende Cluster-Anthologie »Toward a New Culture of the Material« nunmehr druckfrisch vorliegt und darüber hinaus die MoA-Forschung Gegenstand diverser Medienberichte der vergangenen Wochen war. Hört doch mal rein in den neuen »Exzellent Erklärt«-Podcast mit Karola Dierichs und Robert Stock und lasst euch nicht die gelungene Darstellung des Clusters in der arte-Doku »Change by Design« entgehen. Werft unbedingt auch schon einen Blick auf die geplanten Veranstaltungen der nächsten Wochen: Bereits diese Woche startet die von unserem neuen Mitglied Anna A. Gorbushina geplante Vortragsreihe »Microbes and Materials«, und im Oktober freuen wir uns unter anderem auf die von Claudia Mareis organsierte Tagung »Planetary Design. Designing Futures«.

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Antje Nestler & Carolin Ott

Mutual Exchange of Bauhaus Earth and Research Group Architectural Yarns
Visit Bauhaus Earth, 15 July 2024. Copyright: Matters of Activity

Visit Bauhaus Earth, 15 July 2024. Copyright: Matters of Activity


Material Form Function | Weaving | Bauhaus | Biodesign | Climate | Circular Economies | Hemp | Textiles | Tangling | Wool | Yarns/Fibers On July 15th, 2024, members from Bauhaus Earth and the research group »Architectural Yarns« exchanged common ideas and current projects with mutual visits to MoA's Activarium and the Marienpark Lab of Bauhaus Earth. The goal was to foster an exchange of ideas for potential collaborations, emphasizing the shared goals and innovative approaches in sustainable architecture and material design. Key overlapping areas of interest include the reuse of materials, circular resources, economic potentials, and rethinking aesthetics in housing, and building culture. → more

Horst Bredekamp Member of Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts

Symbolic Material | Achievements At the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts public annual meeting on Wednesday, July 10th, Senior Co-Director of »Matters of Activity« Horst Bredekamp was accepted as a full member of the Fine Arts Department. We warmly congratulate Professor Bredekamp on this honor. Founded in 1948 by the Free State of Bavaria as the »highest entity for fostering art«, the Academy's mission is to contribute to the intellectual debate within the arts and between society and to advocate the dignity of art. → more

Es gibt nichts Ernsteres als das Spiel
Tagesspiegel-Artikel über Christian Stein und VR-Forschung am Cluster

Object Space Agency | XR | Science Communication Für einen im August erschienenen Artikel im Tagesspiegel zur aktuellen VR-Forschung wurde Cluster-Mitglied und Mitgründer und Betreiber des Christian Stein interviewt. Neben den bei »Matters of Activity« entwickelten VR-Formaten für Ausstellungen wie beispielsweise die Elevator Platform in der »Stretching Materialies«-Ausstellung kam dabei auch die zunehmende Bedeutung von VR-Simulationen im OP-Saal zur Sprache. → more

Change by Design
Claudia Mareis Contributes as an Expert to an ARTE Documentary on Sustainable Design
Still »Change by Design«. Copyright:

Still »Change by Design«. Copyright:


Bacteria | Cellulose | Fungi/Mycelium | Yarns/Fibers | Climate | Science Communication | Biodesign | Circular Economies | Hemp | Textiles | Waste For all our German and French-speaking friends we have a special treat: ARTE TV visited us and made our Co-Director Claudia Mareis and »Matters of Activity« part of a documentation about sustainable fashion and of course design. English subtitles as well as other languages are also available, so don’t miss it! → more

Syntopische Architekturen
Neue Podcast-Folge der Serie »Exzellent Erklärt« mit Karola Dierichs und Robert Stock
Folgenbild Syntopische Architekturen, 2024. Käferbefallenes Fichtenholz, Foto: Pelin Asa, MPIKG, adaptiert von MoA.

Folgenbild Syntopische Architekturen, 2024. Käferbefallenes Fichtenholz, Foto: Pelin Asa, MPIKG, adaptiert von MoA.


Material Form Function | Weaving | Forest | Prototype / Model | More-Than-Human | Tree Bark | Yarns/Fibers | Science Communication In Folge 48 der Podcastserie »Exzellent Erklärt« erwartet die Zuhörer:innen ein inspirierender Austausch zu der Frage, wie die Materialien, die in der direkten Umgebung und ihren Kreisläufen vorkommen, das Bauen der Zukunft mitgestalten können. Journalistin Larissa Vassilian hat mit Cluster-Mitgliedern Karola Dierichs und Robert Stock über ihr Projekt »Syntopic Architectures« gesprochen, das darauf abzielt, natürliche Strukturen in die Architektur zu integrieren, die in Verbindung zu dem Ort stehen, an dem gebaut wird. Ein Beispiel dafür ist das Arbeiten mit Käferholz, also mit Holz, das vom Borkenkäfer befallen wurde. → more

Ars Electronica 2024
Projects by Anna Schäffner and Clemens Winkler Exhibited in the 45th edition of the Festival
Anna Schaeffner, Soft Collision at Ars Electronica 2024. Copyright: / Ars Electronica Flickr

Anna Schaeffner, Soft Collision at Ars Electronica 2024. Copyright: / Ars Electronica Flickr


Filtering | Object Space Agency | Achievements | Haptics | Performance | Robotics | Teaching This year's Ars Electronica Festival in Linz featured projects by Cluster Members. Anna Schäffner's project »Soft Collision« (2024) was shown as part of the S+T+ARTs Prize. Meet the Artist sessions provided inspiring moments of exchange and debate with a diverse audience. Clemens Winkler's students of the MA Studio »Spiel&Objekt« at the Ernst Busch University of Theatre Arts Berlin were nominated for this year's Ars Electronica Campus Award. Congratulations on this honor! → more

»There Always Will Have Been Worlds«, project by MA Class »Spiel&Objekt« at Ars Electronica 2024. Photo: Clemens Winkler

»There Always Will Have Been Worlds«, project by MA Class »Spiel&Objekt« at Ars Electronica 2024. Photo: Clemens Winkler

The Digital Twin in Neuroscience
Interdisciplinary Cluster Research Published in Frontiers Neuroscience
Adaptive Digital Twin. Copyright: Lucius Fekonja

Adaptive Digital Twin. Copyright: Lucius Fekonja


Cutting | Publications | Brain How can digital twins illustrate the complex relationships between the plastic dynamics and function of brain networks? Based on the clinical scenario of brain tumor patients, the authors, including Cluster members Lucius Fekonja, Rosario Tomasello, Samo Tomšič, and Thomas Picht, provide answers to this question. Discussing methods of technical modeling with philosophical concepts, the article, published in Frontiers Neuroscience in September 2024, presents a theoretical framework that bridges philosophical theorizing, neuroscience, and clinical practice. → more

Second Raue Reihe Issue Available in Print
»Filtern. Zur Theorie einer Kulturtechnik des 21. Jahrhunderts« by Christian Kassung and Alwin Cubasch, edited by Horst Bredekamp
Raue Reihe II. Copyright: De Gruyter

Raue Reihe II. Copyright: De Gruyter


Filtering | Publications The academic series Raue Reihe is a new publication organ of »Matters of Activity« edited by Horst Bredekamp. Modeled on so-called »grey literature« formats, such as the preprints of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin or the legendary Merve volumes, its issues appear at irregular intervals and support the publishing of Cluster literature by focusing on rapidity, spontaneity, and process character. Its title emphasizes the resistance of matter that continues to be the decisive determination for existence in all its varieties in our digital age. The Raue Reihe’s second issue by Christian Kassung and Alwin Cubasch is titled Filtern. Zur Theorie einer Kulturtechnik des 21. Jahrhunderts and explores filtering as a cultural technique, a concept currently undergoing a significant shift from apparatus to environment. → more

Toward a New Culture of the Material
Latest Cluster Anthology Out Now
Book Cover Toward a New Culture of the Material, September 2024. Copyright: De Gruyter.

Book Cover Toward a New Culture of the Material, September 2024. Copyright: De Gruyter.


Material Form Function | Object Space Agency | Symbolic Material | Publications What happens when we begin treating multi-stable, ambivalent, and adaptive behaviors of active matter as a formative principle? The contributions of this volume edited by Frank Bauer, Yoonha Kim, Sabine Marienberg, and Wolfgang Schäffner, investigate the potential of the processual and untamable — ranging from microbial co-designing, morphogenetic experimentation and atmospheric creation to plasticity and liveliness in architecture, history of art and scientific concepts. Walking the line between analog and digital forms, the 19 Cluster perspectives not only cross disciplinary and methodological boundaries but also aim at installing a new material paradigm between the epistemic cultures of sciences, humanities, and design.  → more

Welche Materialien und Ressourcen wollen wir in Zukunft verwenden?
Charlett Wenig und Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten über das Bark Project
Charlett Wenig und Johanna Hehemyer-Cürten mit der Barksphere am Strausberger Platz, Kampagne »Das offene Wissenslabor«, 2024. Copyright: Berlin University Alliance

Charlett Wenig und Johanna Hehemyer-Cürten mit der Barksphere am Strausberger Platz, Kampagne »Das offene Wissenslabor«, 2024. Copyright: Berlin University Alliance


Material Form Function | Biodesign | Prototype / Model | Science Communication | Tree Bark Fasern, Samenkapseln, Pflanzenstängel oder Seidengespinste – in der Natur gibt es jede Menge unterschiedlicher Materialien, die außergewöhnlichen mechanische Eigenschaften haben und sich an wechselnde Umweltbedingungen anpassen können. Wie funktionieren diese biogenen Materialien und könnten sie möglicherweise Inspirations- und Rohstoffquelle für Architektur, Design oder Produktentwicklung sein? In einem Interview, das Teil der neuen Kampagne der Berlin University Alliana »Das offene Wissenslabor« ist, geben Cluster-Mitglieder Charlett Wenig und Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten Einblicke in die Arbeit der Forschungsgruppe »Adaptive Fibrous Materials« und insbesondere über ihre Forschung zu Baumrinde. → more

Films of Performances Online Now!
»Dissect« Event at Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin, 04.11.2022. Foto: Samuel Bianchini. Copyright: Matters of Activity

»Dissect« Event at Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin, 04.11.2022. Foto: Samuel Bianchini. Copyright: Matters of Activity


Cutting | Performance | More-Than-Human | Science Communication The two »Dissect« events held as part of Berlin Science Week 2022 on November 2nd and 4th were a great success and unique experience. In the sold-out Tieranatomisches Theater (TA T) at Humboldt-Universität Berlin, researchers from different disciplines discussed contemporary artworks, including Marco Donnarumma's »Amygdala« and Tomas Saraceno's »Spiders«. Konstantin Mitrokhov’s three films allow you to re-experience these fascinating events. → more

MoA Workshop Series »Building Skills for Research Leadership« as a Diversity Measure
Recap and Outlook

In an increasingly diverse academic landscape, the challenge of a gender- and diversity-sensitive leadership culture is more relevant than ever. Beginning in November 2023, MoA launched its ongoing workshop series Building Skills for Research Leadership with the goal of offering its members key competencies for diversity-sensitive leadership qualification, particularly to researchers in team or project leadership roles. The program was designed to address frequent questions about equity and inclusion at the Cluster. Participation was certified. → more

New Members
Christian de Lutz

As co-founder of Art Laboratory Berlin, Christian de Lutz has curated over 40 exhibitions and numerous talks, workshops, and symposia and is now an Associated Member of »Weaving«. His interest is in building multidisciplinary networks and unleashing their creative potential. Currently he is involved in collaborative cultural projects connecting Berlin with other cities in Europe and Asia, building international networks for art-science communities. In context of the art & science project Mind the Fungi (2018-20) he was a researcher affiliated with the Institute for Biotechnology, TU Berlin. → more

Juri-Apollo Drews

Juri-Apollo Drews is a textile designer and experimental weaver and a practice-based PhD candidate in the SACRe doctoral program at École nationale superieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. His research at the intersection of textile design, form design, cultural history, and textile engineering focuses on developing innovative weaving techniques and handloom modifications that allow for producing non-rectangular textile objects such as garments. He is now an Associated Member of »Material Form Function«. → more

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Anna A. Gorbushina

Anna A. Gorbushina is Full Professor at the Freie Universität Berlin & Head of Department 4, »Materials and the Environment« at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin. Her research focuses on understanding the geochemical and molecular mechanisms by which microorganisms, especially fungi, succeed in the colonization and alteration of air-exposed material surfaces. Her lab concentrates on black fungi – organisms that are specialists in (i) material colonization and weathering, (ii) biofilm formation, and (iii) stress tolerance. We welcome her as a new Associated Investigator for »Object Space Agency«! → more

Dr. Patrick Kwon

Patrick Kwon completed his doctoral degree in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2022. Currently, as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Biomaterials at the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces, he focuses on beeswax luminaires as a sustainable alternative to conventional light bulbs. His work involves interdisciplinary methods such as material property characterizations, parametric modeling, and robotic experimentation, leveraging the strengths of materials physics, engineering, and design. We welcome him as an Associated Member of »Material Form Function«. → more

René Ramírez, PhD

René Ramírez is an economist (ISS/Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Netherlands) and PhD in sociology of inequality (CES, University of Coimbra, Portugal). He is the coordinator of the Research Group on »Studies of Time and Temporalities« at CLACSO and a guest lecturer in the Doctoral Program in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires as well as a tenured professor at the National University of the Arts of Argentina and guest researcher at the State University of Milagro, Ecuador. His main research focuses on time, »Buen Vivir« (Good Living), and the social economy of knowledge. He is now an Associated Member of »Object Space Agency«. → more

Prof. Regine Rapp

Regine Rapp is an art historian and curator, researching, teaching, curating, and publishing on 21st-century art at the interface of science and technology, currently on her newest research project Hybrid Art Histories. Together with Christian de Lutz, she co-directs Art Laboratory Berlin and is now an Associated Member of »Weaving«. Since March 2024 she has been a guest professor for Art and Science at the Art Academy Münster where she currently teaches Hybrid Art. Rapp has conceived, curated, and researched numerous art science research projects with more than 50 exhibition projects (Time and Technology, Synaesthesia, [macro]biologies & [micro]biologies). → more

Jakob Schillinger, PhD

Jakob Schillinger is director of the Menzel-Dach at the Institute of Art and Visual History at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He was previously Professor of Cultural Theory at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg (2022-2023), Research Coordinator at ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry (2021-2022) and Postdoc at the Department of Art & Archaeology at Princeton University (2021). Jakob Schillinger headed the School for Worldly Companions at documenta 13 and held numerous curatorial positions internationally. We welcome him as an Associated Member of »Object Space Agency«. → more

Cluster Members Contribute to Material Show at the Kyiv Chamber of Architects
Announcement Material Show, Kyiv Chamber of Architects, September 2024.

Announcement Material Show, Kyiv Chamber of Architects, September 2024.


Object Space Agency | Fungi/Mycelium | Prototype / Model From September 25-29th, the Kyiv Chamber of Architects will host an interdisciplinary event focusing on sustainable reconstruction and renewable materials in Ukraine. The central part of this event will be a Material Show, showcasing innovative renewable, hybrid, and recycled building materials that could reshape the future of construction. Experts from art, science, business, and architecture will come together in workshops, discussions, and live demonstrations, exploring the potential of these materials to rebuild communities. Prototypes and samples from several Cluster members will be part of the exhibition. → more

Microbes and Materials
Lecture Series Organized by Anna A. Gorbushina
Microbes and Materials, 2024. Copyright: Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

Microbes and Materials, 2024. Copyright: Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung


Object Space Agency | Bacteria | Fungi/Mycelium The public lecture series, organized by the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und —prüfung (BAM) and the Freie Universität Berlin (FU), will focus on the interactions of living organisms with materials. The five lectures by internationally renowned experts will be in English and take place on Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. starting on September 26th. They will be moderated by MoA member Anna A. Gorbushina (BAM&FU), Liane G. Benning (GFZ&FU), and Matthias Rillig (FU Berlin). The lecture series takes place at BAM headquarters and Branch Adlershof. All lectures can be attended in person or followed digitally. → more

Thinking Through Trees

The reading group »Thinking Through Trees,» organized by Rahel Kesselring, will meet again on October 1st, 2-3.30 pm in ↗ Zoom. For this session they are reading »Why look at Plants« by Giovanni Aloi, ed. by ibid.: The Botanical Emergence in Contemporary Art, Brill, Leiden 2019, p. 1-35, see link below:

Photo Books Presented at Miss Read 2024
Outcomes of Seminar by Mareike Stoll and Andreas Rost Exhibited at the Berlin Art Book Fair & Festival
Miss Read Visual 2024

Miss Read Visual 2024


Material Form Function | Weaving | Object Space Agency | Publications | Teaching On October 11th-13th, photobooks created during the seminar »Das Fotobuch. Theorie und Praxis«, led by Mareike Stoll and Andreas Rost at weißensee school of art and design berlin, will be exhibited at the »Miss Read. Berlin Art Book Fair & Festival« at HKW Berlin. The students explored memories of the perfect summer, images of forests and trees, as well as residues of violence and oppression, to name only a few, but they all celebrate the photobook as an art form. Please save the date! → more

Aquatic Mobilities / Littoral Cultures
Exploratory Workshop about Cultural Techniques and Material Cultures at Sea
Ever Given, 2021. Copyright: Suez Canal Authority

Ever Given, 2021. Copyright: Suez Canal Authority


Filtering | Ocean | Temporality The workshop aims to foster research into the historical interplay between mobility, cultural techniques, and material culture within maritime and coastal contexts. By examining how cultures, cultural techniques, and nature have historically shaped life, work, and travel at sea, we seek to develop new research questions that can lead to future grant applications. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, participants will explore themes such as maritime technologies, littoral knowledge production, and the material manifestations of aquatic and coastal communities. → more

Planetary Design: Reclaiming Futures
Conference Organized by Claudia Mareis – Conference Contributions Now Online as an Audio Series
Copyright: ICI Berlin

Copyright: ICI Berlin


Material Form Function | Science Communication | Climate | More-Than-Human | Biodesign | Circular Economies | Speculative Design | Temporality The conference »Planetary Design: Reclaiming Futures« brought together critical thinking and doing around the role of design in making, unmaking and remaking worlds. Starting from the intersection of design, infrastructure, and the planetary environment, it offered a generative platform open to artists, academics, and activists for rethinking design’s role in producing the present and for developing alternative planetary futures. The conference gathered artists, academics, and activists to rethink design's role in producing our present and developing alternative planetary futures. The conference contributions are now online as a podcast! → more

Call for Papers: Minimal Machines
Cultures of Mixed Reality for Architectural and Construction Robotics
Syntopia 1—Soma I Body, Minimal Machines by Matters of Activity. Copyright: Sebastián Plaza Kutzbach

Syntopia 1—Soma I Body, Minimal Machines by Matters of Activity. Copyright: Sebastián Plaza Kutzbach


Material Form Function | Weaving | Publications | Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | Computational Design | Prototype / Model Minimal machines are understood as experimental approaches to kinetic processes in an age of robotics, where both hardware and software are reduced to their essential minimum. Cluster members Karola Dierichs and Karin Krauthausen together with Glenda Caldwell (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) and Dagmar Reinhardt (University of Sydney, Australia) aim to edit a Topical Collection reflecting on the rapidly emerging field of Mixed Reality (MR) in architecture, considering not only its technological aspects but also its cultural and human-centered implications. They invite contributions from the fields of Computational Design and Construction as well as the Humanities. → more

Before the Object. Material Histories, Infrastructures and Ecologies
Workshop Organized by Cluster Member Kaja Ninnis Together with Ursula Ströbele
Edward Burtinsky, Iberia Quarries #2, Marmorose EFA Co., Bencatel, Portugal, 2006

Edward Burtinsky, Iberia Quarries #2, Marmorose EFA Co., Bencatel, Portugal, 2006


Material Form Function | Material Legacies | More-Than-Human | Temporality What happens before matter becomes art – what happens before the object? This workshop at Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, November 21st-23rd, 2024, is dedicated to exploring not artworks but the »stuff« artworks are made of and the ecological implications of their procurement, processing, and transport, aiming at uncovering what Laura Turner Igoe has called »the ecological unconscious of art matter.« The workshop is organized by Kaja Ninnis (HU Berlin / Matters of Activity) and Ursula Ströbele (HBK Braunschweig). → more

Student Assistant in the Project »Weaving« (m/f/d)
40h per Month, Limited until 31 December 2025 – MoA_04_2024 – Application Deadline 6 October 2024 – Start of Employment: 1 December 2024
Wild silk wrapper from the Marka Dafing in Safané, Burkina Faso (showing the sheen). Video still from the film installation at the exhibition »DAOULA | Sheen. West-African Wild Silk On Its Way« (Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin). Film installation by Thabo Thindi with film material from Salif Sawadog and others.

Wild silk wrapper from the Marka Dafing in Safané, Burkina Faso (showing the sheen). Video still from the film installation at the exhibition »DAOULA | Sheen. West-African Wild Silk On Its Way« (Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin). Film installation by Thabo Thindi with film material from Salif Sawadog and others.

job The project »Weaving« is currently looking for a student assistant in the field of History. The main tasks are the collaboration in the research project »Weaving«, literature research and procurement, content support in the preparation of scientific events, support in proofreading texts for scientific publications and assistance with the completion of scientific presentations and publications. We are looking forward to your applications! → more