Yin 阴 , Cindy Peng. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin, Cindy Peng

Project: Lara Rocho, weißensee school of art and design berlin. Copyright: Dr. Mareike Stoll

Copyright: Elaine Bonavia & Elisa Martignoni, weißensee school of art and design berlin, 2021

Scaling Fiber: Experimental Yarn. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin

Designing Matter 2. Copyright: Clara Poeverlein / weißensee school of art and design berlin

Flyer Open House 2022. Copyright: weißensee school of art and design berlin.

Minimal Machines 2 – Hygroscopic Hemp. Copyright: Nuri Kang / weißensee school of art and design berlin, Image: Karola Dierichs / weißensee school of art and design berlin, Matters of Activity.

Poster Material Legacies. Image: Dietrich Polenz and the Experimental Surgery Lab, 2020
By engaging with a series of different materials and techniques the exhibition encompassed both the problematization of unsustainable pasts and presents as well as the imagination of speculative material futures. Taking materiality as a starting point, each of the exhibits investigated its sociocultural, economic, and political context in order to disentangle the multiple interrelations that arise from and with materials. more

Copyright: Leila Wallisser / weißensee school of art and design berlin

Bark by Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten and Willow Plektonik by »Structural Textile Project« of Natalija Miodragović, Nelli Singer and Daniel Suárez. Copyright: Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten

Plektonik Structural Textiles column – continuous wooden ›Active Yarns‹ 40 mm diameter loops. Copyright: Daniel Suárez & Natalija Miodragović