Christopher Droppa

Christopher Droppa is a student research assistant working at the »Object Space Agency« Project at the »Matters of Activity« Cluster of Excellence. Concurrently, he is studying at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain, where his research focuses on the intersection of philosophical and scientific approaches to emotion and agency.
He wonders: how can we understand the relationship between emotions and socio-material environments? How are emotions distributed across interpersonal and socio-material contexts? What is the role of the constructed environment in emotional regulation, and how might we conceive of a non-dichotomous relationship between emotional agency and the socio-material environment? In which ways are science and philosophy poised to answer such questions?
Christopher Droppa received an undergraduate Masters with Honours in Philosophy and Linguistics from the University of Edinburgh, and has worked at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and at OpenEvo, a collaborative educational project from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and Leipzig University.
Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Sophienstr. 22a
10178 Berlin