René Ramírez, PhD

René Ramírez is an economist (ISS/Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Netherlands) and PhD in sociology of inequality (CES, University of Coimbra, Portugal). He has served as Minister of Planning and Development (2008-2011) and as Minister of Higher Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation of Ecuador (2011-2017). He coordinated the Science, Technology, and Innovation axis of the Regional Conference on Higher Education, UNESCO-IESALC (2018, 2024). Global encounter Fellow Universität Tübingen (2023).
He is the coordinator of the Research Group on »Studies of Time and Temporalities« at CLACSO. Guest lecturer in the Doctoral Program in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires as well as a tenured professor at the National University of the Arts of Argentina and guest researcher at the State University of Milagro, Ecuador. He is a member of the National System of Researchers of México. His main research focuses on time, »Buen Vivir« (Good Living), and the social economy of knowledge.
México 428
Buenos Aires