MAKING A Robot Feel
New MoA Mini Documentary Series Starts with Anna Schäffner
Imagine hugging a robot as soft and comforting as a teddy bear. This could be the future, moving away from the cold, steel monsters we’ve seen in sci-fi films. Anna Schäffner, one of the Cluster’s designers and PhD candidates at »Matters of Activity«, is bringing this vision to life with her innovative project Soft Collision. Anna covered a steel robot in silicone membranes that inflate when you touch them. »It’s giving skin to the robot«, Anna says.
But how does it work? How might it let us interact with robots in a more intuitive and secure way? And what’s a caterpillar got to do with it?
Follow our researchers behind the scenes of »Matters of Activity« and get insights into their groundbreaking work, explained in simple terms. Watch the first episode of our new mini doku-series MAKING_ to find out more!