On Care, Repair and Breakdown in Contemporary Arts
Cluster Member Rahel Kesselring Gives a Talk at the 3rd International Care Ethics Research Consortium Conference
Rahel Kesselring will give a talk at the 3rd International Care Ethics Research Consortium Conference in Utrecht. In her talk entitled »›If we do not seek to fix what has been broken, then what?‹: On Procedures of Care, Repair, and Breakdown in Contemporary Arts«, Rahel will give insights into her recent field research. The talk is part of the panel »Care Beyond Repair«. The conference brings together care ethicists and scholars; artists, designers, and makers; artistic researchers; performers and philosophers; educators; policymakers; and others to explore a fundamental question: What does it mean to care?
The conference is hosted by the University of Humanistic Studies (UvH) in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and directed by
Louis van den Hengel. More information and the complete program can be found here.