Second Raue Reihe Issue Available in Print
»Filtern. Zur Theorie einer Kulturtechnik des 21. Jahrhunderts« by Christian Kassung and Alwin Cubasch, edited by Horst Bredekamp
The academic series »Raue Reihe« is a new publication organ of the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity« edited by Horst Bredekamp. Modeled on so-called »grey literature« formats, such as the preprints of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin or the legendary Merve volumes, its issues will appear at irregular intervals and aim to support the publishing of Cluster literature in terms of rapidity, spontaneity, and process character. Its title emphasizes the resistance of matter that continues to be the decisive determination for existence in all its varieties in our digital age.
The »Raue Reihe’s« second issue by Christian Kassung and Alwin Cubasch is titled »Filtern. Zur Theorie einer Kulturtechnik des 21. Jahrhunderts« and explores filtering as a cultural technique, a concept currently undergoing a significant shift from apparatus to environment. Cultural techniques can no longer be thought of in relation to specific individual objects or isolated situations. Rather, they have become »environing technologies« in which the difference between nature and culture is eliminated. Spanning both material and symbolic environments, Filtering becomes an »activitiy that matters«.
Both issues of the »Raue Reihe«, including Regine Hengge’s The Biological Foundation of Sustainability: The Essential Role of Microbes in Planetary Metabolism are available in print and will be released as Open Access E-Books through De Gruyter in the near future. Please contact the editor or project coordinator, Elisabeth Obermeier (moa.publishing [at] for copies or editorial proposals to the »Raue Reihe«.